- Enhancing Profitability through Structured Manufacturing -
Today's Manufacturing
How it works
The real key to an MES is that the system interfaces with the people manufacturing the actual
product. Thus it is the ideal vehicle to automatically collect any data needed for or by any other
information system like an ERP or Inventory Control System.

What it does
  • An MES provides total product traceability while providing a continuous improvement
    platform for plant operations.

  • An MES allows users to quickly answer questions related to; quality, scrap, downtime or
    yields and to see the cause-and-effect relationships of product, process and materials.

  • Manufacturing Execution Systems satisfy data collection and record-keeping
    requirements for ISO9000 certification.

The illustration below from Industry Directions (August, 2002) highlights the functionality of an MES
application and how it acts as the control layer between management and the people on the shop floor
where production occurs.